CRO+ENG 20 000 Milja Pod Morem


20 000 Milja Pod Morem / 20,000 Leages Under the Sea

Dvojezični Klasici – Dual Language Classics
Book is in Croatian and English language

(HR) Jules Verne pisao je klasične pustolovne romane sa znanstvenim elementima u kojima je stvarao znanstveno fantastične priče. Poslije uspjeha romana Pet tjedana u balonu (1862.) nastavio je pisati fantastične pustolovne knjige. Roman 20 000 milja pod morem objavljivan je u nastavcima 1869. i 1870. godine. Iznenađujući su njegovi opisi mnogih morskih stvorenja i predjela, kao i izumi koji tada još nisu postojali ili koje je unaprijedio svojom maštom, kao što su električna podmornica i ronilačka odlijela.

(EN) Jules Verne wrote classic adventure novels with scientific elements in which he created science fiction stories. After the success of the novel Five Weeks in a Balloon (1862), he continued to write fantastic adventure books. The novel 20,000 Miles Under the Sea was published in the sequels in 1869 and 1870. Surprising are his descriptions of many sea creatures and landscapes, as well as inventions that did not yet exist at the time or that he perfected with his imagination, such as electric submarines and diving casts.

Dimenzije (size): 13.5 x 20 cm
Br. stranica (pages): 68
Uvez (cover): Tvrdi – Hardcover

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