Hat LIKA ‘Lička Kapa’


Hat Lika is made of 70% cotton and 30% polyester fiber. Typical Lika motifs are embroidered on the rim of the hat, while at the top of the hat embroidered ‘Hrvatski Grb’. The cap is lined 100% cotton.

The Lika is one of the most recognizable symbols of Lika and the people of Lika. In the past, men wore it every day; it belongs to the Dinaric ethnological circle, which means that we can find different versions of this cap from Istria to Montenegro. The Lika cap has only two colors: red and black. Some assumptions say that it is because of the Battle of Krbav, where red stands for spilled blood, and black mourns for all the dead, while the fringes represent the tears of those who survived the Battle of Krbava.

Lička kapa ili crvenkapa predstavlja jedan od prepoznatljivih simbola Like i Ličana. Neka u prošlosti muškarci su je svakodnevno nosili ; pripada dinarskom etnološkom krugu što znači da različite izvedenice ove kape možemo pronaći od Istre do Crne Gore. Lička kapa ima samo dvije boje: crvenu i crnu. Neke pretpostavke kažu da je to zbog Krbavske bitke gdje crvena označava prolivenu krv, a crna žal za svim poginulima, dok rese označavaju suze onih koji su preživjeli Krbavsku bitku.

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